Hi, Shreenath Pramar is the Founder and CEO of Trade Experts Foundation (TEF).

He worked for fifteen years in the Investment Management Business and ran one of India's Leading Private Stock Market Training Institute since Feb 2018 

Shreenath’s dedication to education has earned him the title of “Insightful Trader Creator of the Year 2022” at the Global Startup Summit  

नमस्कार, श्रीनाथ प्रमार हे ट्रेड एक्सपर्ट फाऊंडेशन (TEF) चे संस्थापक आणि CEO आहेत. 

इन्व्हेस्टमेंट मॅनेजमेंट बिझनेसमध्ये त्यांनी पंधरा वर्षे काम केले आणि फेब्रुवारी 2018 पासून भारतातील अग्रगण्य खाजगी स्टॉक मार्केट ट्रेनिंग इन्स्टिट्यूट चालवले.

श्रीनाथच्या शिक्षणाच्या समर्पणामुळे त्यांना ग्लोबल स्टार्टअप समिटमध्ये “इनसाइटफुल ट्रेडर क्रिएटर ऑफ द इयर 2022” ही पदवी मिळाली आहे.





25 to 50%




Join Our Free Course

Basics of the Stock Market

Price - 9999/- 
Discount 100% 
Offer Price - Free

This section covers the fundamental concepts of the stock market, including stocks, shares,  exchanges, and indices. It explains how the stock market functions and the key players involved.  

शेअर बाजार मूलभूत अभ्यास

Price - 9999/- 
Discount 100% 
Offer Price - Free

या विभागात स्टॉक, शेअर्स, एक्सचेंजेस आणि निर्देशांकांसह शेअर बाजाराच्या मूलभूत संकल्पना समाविष्ट आहेत. हे शेअर बाजाराचे कार्य कसे चालते आणि प्रमुख सदस्य त्यात
सहभागी आहे हे स्पष्ट करते.

Join Our Advance Stock Market Course

Advance Stock Market 

Price - 40,000/- 
Discount 50% 
Offer Price - 20,000/-

Market Analysis and Research
Conducting market research and analysis
Exploring different investment strategies (value investing, growth investing, etc.)
Creating a diversified portfolio
Risk management techniques (stop-loss
orders, asset allocation, etc.)
Investment Psychology and Emotions
Continuous Learning and Updating

Learn some Exclusive Trading Strategies 
Intra Day, Swing, Momentum, Positional Trading

संपूर्ण शेअर बाजार अभ्यासक्रम

Price - 40,000/- 
Discount 50% 
Offer Price - 20,000/-

बाजार विश्लेषण आणि संशोधन बाजार संशोधन आणि विश्लेषण आयोजित करणे 

वेगवेगळ्या गुंतवणूक धोरणांचा शोध घेणे (मूल्य गुंतवणूक, वाढ गुंतवणूक इ.) 

वैविध्यपूर्ण पोर्टफोलिओ तयार करणे 

जोखीम व्यवस्थापन तंत्र (स्टॉप-लॉस ऑर्डर, मालमत्ता वाटप इ.) गुंतवणूक मानसशास्त्र आणि भावना शिकणे आणि अपडेट करणे काही खास ट्रेडिंग स्ट्रॅटेजी जाणून घ्या इंट्रा डे, स्विंग, मोमेंटम, पोझिशनल ट्रेडिंग

Join Our Commodity Market Course

Learn Commodities Market

Price - 14999/- 
Discount 50% 
Offer Price - 7499/-

Commodities are raw materials or primary agricultural products that can be bought and sold, such as gold, silver, crude oil, natural gas, agricultural products (wheat, rice, sugar), metals (copper, aluminum), and more. These commodities are traded on exchanges, just like stocks.

कमोडिटी मार्केट शिका

Price - 14999/- 
Discount 50% 
Offer Price - 7499/-

वस्तू म्हणजे कच्चा माल किंवा प्राथमिक कृषी उत्पादने ज्यांची खरेदी आणि विक्री केली जाऊ शकते, जसे की सोने, चांदी, कच्चे तेल, नैसर्गिक वायू, कृषी उत्पादने (गहू, तांदूळ, साखर), धातू (तांबे, ॲल्युमिनियम) आणि बरेच काही. स्टॉक्सप्रमाणेच या वस्तूंचे एक्सचेंजेसवर व्यवहार केले जातात.

Enroll Now

Start your journey today with Shreenath Pramar as your Mentor.

All membership plans come with a 30-day satisfaction guarantee.

Everyday Live Trading Session

Morning Live Session 

Market Analysis

Nifty & Bank Nifty Levels

Live Trade With Students & Book Profit as Morning Breakfast

Evening Live Session

Commodity Market Analysis

Levels for Trading 

Live Trade with Students & Book Profit as Evening Snacks 

दररोज थेट ट्रेडिंग सत्र 

सकाळचे थेट सत्र 

बाजाराचे विश्लेषण 

निफ्टी आणि बँक निफ्टी लेवल्स 

विद्यार्थ्यांसोबत थेट ट्रेड करा आणि सकाळचा नाश्ता म्हणून नफा बुक करा

संध्याकाळचे थेट सत्र 

कमोडिटी मार्केट विश्लेषण 

ट्रेड व्यापारासाठी लेवल्स  

विद्यार्थ्यांसोबत थेट ट्रेड करा आणि संध्याकाळचा स्नॅक्स म्हणून नफा बुक करा

Meet your Mentor

Shreenath Pramar want to help you retire before you’re forty, It is difficult enough under normal circumstances. But it's considerably more so if you want to retire early. One rule of thumb recommends multiplying your desired annual income in retirement by 25 to come up with a savings goal.

Shreenath has helped 1100+ students improve their Trading to become effective Trader and successful Investor.

His vision is to make the Indian youth more self employable by helping them learn practical and fundamental skills in Trading.

Shreenath Pramar

Founder and CEO of Trade Experts Foundation (TEF).


Shekhar M

Business Owner

I am delighted to be a part of the Trade Experts Foundation Community. One week ago, I enrolled in the Advance Stock Market course. This course is action-oriented and focuses on practical application. The level of support provided here is exceptional.

Jagannath T S


Part of the community doing the Advance Stock Market course, it's an experience like no other! Learning through case studies, Practical Live Trading and well thought out exercises. Don't miss it, this one is for everyone. Trading is a skill you need.

Samir M

Self Employed 

Best decision ever taken was to pursue the Advance Stock Market course. I would like to recommend everyone who is watching this video to pursue the course and see the difference. So happy to be a part of the Trade Experts Foundation community.

Dipali Devardekar

Govt Employee

Thought the training was amazing. Really appreciated Shreenath explaining the “Why it matters” of the output rather than just running through the steps of how to plug in numbers.” Thanks Trade Experts Foundation Community

Sandesh More


Everyone watching this do try the Advance Stock Market course. I guarantee you wont regret it. Its just mind-blowing and too good. Especially the week 3 and 4 (The Live Trading process and Hedging Strategies is applicable in every situation)

Frequently Asked Questions

 Mode of Delivery of Class

  Live & Recordings Lectures

What is the Duration of Courses?

30 Days Training + 60 Days Live Trading = 90 Days 

Live Trading Support

Yes, Everyday 2 Live Trading Sessions 

1. Morning Live Trading 

2. Evening Commodity Market Live Trading 

Any Certification of this Course?

Yes, We provide Certification After Completion of 90 days 

Do I need to have prior knowledge of trading?

No, we'll teach you everything from basics